Archaeological Park of Broglio di Trebisacce (CS)

Main intervention area:: 
Artistic-cultural assets and resources
Possible reference to activities with: 
Schools, Tourism.
Trebisacce (CS), Archaeological Park of Broglio
Brief description of the objectives and actions:: 

Development and implementation of the Archaeological Park; collaboration with the educational activities of the Association for the History and Archaeology of Sibaritide (which manages the Park).

Participating subjects (internal/external): 
Association for the History and Archaeology of Sibaritide; Municipality of Trebisacce (CS); schools (annually visit the Park; typically one event per year involves participation from Sapienza University).
Beneficiaries (internal/external) of the activity: 
Citizens of Trebisacce, Schools, Tourists.
Social, economic, and cultural impacts of the activity: 
Promotion of widespread cultural growth.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma