Epic and historiography in ancient Greek literature: genres and models

Lingua e letteratura greca
Nicolai Mastrofrancesco Roberto

Nicolai Mastrofrancesco Roberto

  • Broggiato Maria
  • Vannicelli Pietro
  • Ercolani A.

Studies on literary genres in ancient Greece currently enjoy a special popularity among classicists.

In particular, La Sapienza organized in May 2010 a one-day conference on literary genres and their written and unwritten laws ("Sua cuique proposito lex. I generi letterari e le loro leggi quarant'anni dopo"); the conference took as its starting point a seminal article by Luigi Enrico Rossi, published forty years ago ("BICS" 1971).

Narrative genres, such as epic and historiography, have recently been studied from the perspective of structural analysis, an approach that so far has merely helped us to better understand the dynamics of the narrative. Our research aims at studying epic and historiography with a particular regard for their function both from the viewpoint of literary genres and from that of contents and style.

Our approach will pay particular attention to these texts’ purpose and to their historical and cultural context, avoiding to focus on merely formal aspects. We shall reconsider the current notion of intertextuality, often reductively understood as a simple and comprehensive tool to interpret a text, and we shall try to correlate the relationship between different texts to these texts’ function in a wider literary context.


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NICOLAI R. (2009). Ktêma es aei. Aspects of the Reception of Thucydides in the Ancient World,. In: J. RUSTEN. Oxford Readings in Classical Studies. Thucydides. p. 381-404, OXFORD: Oxford University Press

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NICOLAI R. (2007). L’uso della storiografia come fonte di informazioni: teoria retorica e prassi oratoria. In: J. C. IGLESIAS ZOIDO ED.. Retórica e Historiografía. El discurso militar en la historiografía desde la Antigüedad hasta el Renacimiento. p. 143-174, MADRID: Ediciones clasicas

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NICOLAI R. (2007). Il canone tra classicità e classicismo,. In: Il canone europeo. Roma, Università "La Sapienza", 15-16 giugno 2007, ROMA: Viella, vol. 10, p. 95-103, ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-8334-372-8/1127-1140

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NICOLAI R. (2005). Neco, Sataspe e Annone: peripli fenici e persiani raccontati da Greci. In: Greci, Fenici, Romani: interazioni culturali nel Mediterraneo antico. Atti delle Giornate di Studio, Viterbo, 28-29 maggio 2004, p. 155-169

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BROGGIATO M. (2008). Su un frammento di Artemone di Pergamo (FGrHist 569 F 2 Jacoby). SEMINARI ROMANI DI CULTURA GRECA, vol. 11; p. 129-134, ISSN: 1129-5953

BROGGIATO M. (2005). I frammenti di Zenodoto di Mallo. SEMINARI ROMANI DI CULTURA GRECA, vol. 8; p. 135-152, ISSN: 1129-5953

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VANNICELLI P. (2007). To Each His Own: Simonides and Herodotus on Thermopylae. In: JOHN MARINCOLA A CURA DI. A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography. vol. 2, p. 315-321, OXFORD: Blackwell, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4051-0216-2

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VANNICELLI P. (2005). Da Platea a Tanagra: Tisameno, Sparta e il Peloponneso durante la Pentecontaetia. In: Erodoto e il modello erodoteo. Formazione e trasmissione delle tradizioni storiche in Grecia, p. 257-276


Sapienza, Università di Roma (ricerca 2010, erogato inizio 2011)

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