Living Arslantepe. Public Archaeology - participation in the study of past food systems

Main intervention area:: 
Artistic-cultural assets and resources
Possible reference to activities with: 
Rural populations - Eastern Anatolia
01/09/2022 to 05/10/2022
Orduzu, Malatya (Turchia)
Brief description of the objectives and actions:: 

Aims to directly engage the local community, particularly the female components of the research conducted at the archaeological site of Arslantepe. Women have been were invited to actively participate in “bringing to live Arslantepe” by choosing an area that is their own: bread making.

Videos were produced on the bread-making process with the Orduzu village's women as protagonists. Discussions were held with them on the discoveries of ovens, hearths and other evidence of prehistoric bread-making uncovered by the archaeological mission team at the site.

These discussions led to an even more complex discussion on the functioning of these technologies in antiquity. The videos will be published on the YouTube channel of the archaeological mission expedition (Arslantepe_Project), showing how involvement and dialogue with the local community can enhance our knowledge of archaeological finds and artifacts.

Participating subjects (internal/external): 
A group of 6 women from the village of Orduzu, the excavation team, and local media experts from the Inonu University of Malatya.
Contacts to learn more about and/or participate in the initiative: 
Beneficiaries (internal/external) of the activity: 
Women from Orduzu.
Used Resources: 
Video cameras and footage in the courtyads of the homes of the local community.
Social, economic, and cultural impacts of the activity: 
The first and immediate impact has been that of increased interaction between the scientific team and the Orduzu population. It is still early to assess economic and cultural impact.
Possible indicators for monitoring and accountability: 
We plan to continue this way every year, choosing different themes each time to strengthen the link between the archaeological activities carried out and the surrounding territory.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma