Student internships at the Paideia Institute

Main intervention area:: 
Artistic-cultural assets and resources
Possible reference to activities with: 
Education, English language proficiency, and cultural trips in Italy and Greece (mainly) for American citizens.
The Paideia Institute, Piazza Ippolito Nievo, Rome - Sapienza - University of Rome.
Brief description of the objectives and actions:: 

The Paideia Institute is an American company with locations in New York and Europe, focused on promoting the spread of classical culture, especially among American students (but also alumni and individuals of all ages), through the organization of cultural trips to Greece and Italy, as well as publications, events, etc. Through Dr. Marco Romani Mistretta, who regularly proposes the internship opportunity on JobSoul, Sapienza students can intern at the Rome location, gaining valuable experience in an international environment specialized in the enhancement of cultural assets.

Participating subjects (internal/external): 
The Paideia Institute (
Contacts to learn more about and/or participate in the initiative: 
Beneficiaries (internal/external) of the activity: 
Studenti della Sapienza (specialmente del DSA) - Frequentatori del Paideia Institute
Used Resources: 
External (The Paideia Institute).
Social, economic, and cultural impacts of the activity: 
Spread of classical culture in an international environment (especially English-speaking and American); acquisition of relevant skills by Sapienza students, and in addition to useful stages for AAF; the possibility of employment at The Paideia Institute.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma