IMPACTVM. Mapping the impact of the Augustan colonies on the Early Roman Empire

Storia Romana
Sergio España Chamorro

Augustus founded several dozen colonies and settled Italian veterans in them during his reign (27 BC-14 AD). The exact number of colonies is still uncertain, but this large set of cities is scattered across the whole contour of the Mediterranean Sea and in three different continents. Augustan colonisation is fundamental for understanding the de- and reterritorializing processes  that occurred during the creation of the social, political, and administrative structure of the early Roman Empire. From Augustus’ words , we can observe the importance of the colonisation project, not only in terms of political purposes, but also as a migration policy oriented towards specific aims. Augustus implemented the colonial model developed during the Republic and used mainly in Italy. Republican colonies were understood like small islands of Roman civilization from the colonial and imperialist vision.

The epigraphy produced in veteran colonies is a key source for our understanding of how Latin and epigraphy was spread in local communities across the Roman world.

Taking the first epigraphic habit of the veteran colonies of this age, we can study the deterritorialising method of the Augustan strategy and rewrite Roman colonisation at the beginning of the Empire. Considering these issues, the objectives of IMPACTVM are:

1. Analysis of the conditions of the penetration and methods of implantation of the first Latin Epigraphy of provinces through veteran colonies (1st century).

2. Identification of agents and epigraphic methods of colonial implantation.

3. Investigation of the colonial disruption of cosmology and world view from abstraction and the creation of written spaces.

4. Creation of an innovative poly-comparative scientific analytical and theoretical model between West and East.

To carry out this research, a total of 6 study cases have been selected due to the colonial impact in their territory and local communities and their important Augustan corpus of inscriptions.

•          (c1) colonia Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain) in Lusitania

•          (c2) colonia Augusta Lugdunum (Lyon, France) in Gallia

•          (c3) colonia Iulia Carthago (Carthage, Tunisia) in Africa

•          (c4) colonia Iulia Corinthus (Corinth, Greece) in Achaia

•          (c5) colonia Iulia Augusta Philippensis (Filippoi, Greece) in Macedonia

•          (c6) colonia Iulia Nobilis Cnossus (Knossos, Greece) in Creta et Cyrenaica


Dissemination article

International Conference : Tra la tarda repubblica e l'età augustea: economia, politica e religione nell'epigrafia: Hispaniae, Africa, Galliae, Grecia, 20-21/02/2023 Museo dell'Arte Classica (Sapienza Università di Roma)


ESPAÑA-CHAMORRO, Sergio (2022), La imagen etnogeográfica del sur la Península Ibérica en la Antigüedad: de Iberia a Hispania, de Turdetania a Baetica, 157 pags. (Universidad de Murcia – Anejos de Antigüedad y Cristianismo IX), ISBN (978-84-124892-6-2).

Libri a cura

ESPAÑA CHAMORRO, Sergio; GREGORI, G.L. (eds.) (in preparation): “Tra la tardo-repubblica e l’età augustea: economia, politica, religione nelle loro riflessi epigrafiche”, Quasar, Roma.

ESPAÑA CHAMORRO, Sergio (eds.) (in preparation): “Bornes milliaires de l’Europe romaine”, Ausonius Editions, serie Scripta Antiqua, Burdeos.

ESPAÑA CHAMORRO, Sergio; MOREN i.p.O ESCOBAR, M.C. (eds.) (2024 in preparation.): “Landscapes and the Augustan Revolution in the Western Provinces”, Routledge, Global Perspectives on Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology Series, Londra.


ESPAÑA-CHAMORRO, S. (2023), “The mausoleum  of Iulii at Mustis (Africa Proconsularis). Onomastic and familiar relationship” Gephyra 26, 55-68. DOI:

ESPAÑA-CHAMORRO, S. (2023), “Relieve funerario republicano de los hermanos Terpolii procedente de Italia central”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 226, 221-222.

ESPAÑA-CHAMORRO, S. & GREGORI, G. (2023) “I tetrarchi a Mustis (Africa Proconsolare). Nuove  iscrizioni dal Fondo Poinssot (Paris)”, Scienze dell'Antichità 29.1, 225-239.

ESPAÑA-CHAMORRO, S. (2024 i.p.) “Leggere i confini. L'inizio dell'epigrafia latina dei limiti: i primi termini lapidei in Italia”, Linguarum varietas: an International Journal 13 (special volume I. Simón Cornago y P. Poccetti (ed.) Siste et lege).


ESPAÑA CHAMORRO, S. (2024 e.p.), “Augustus and the transformation of the Roman road network in the Western provinces. An epigraphical perspective”, en S. España Chamorro, y M.C. Moreno Escobar, (eds.) Landscapes and the Augustan Revolution in the Western Provinces, Routledge, Global Perspectives on Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology Series, London.

ESPAÑA CHAMORRO, S. (2023 i.p.): “Los primeros miliarios de África y la política viaria durante la época julio-claudia” en L’Africa Romana, vol. XXII, Sassari.

ESPAÑA CHAMORRO, S. (2024 e.p.): “Hábito y dinámicas epigráficas del conventus Cordubensis (valle del Guadalquivir)”, en J.M. Campos Carrasco y J. Bermejo Meléndez (eds.), Ciudades romanas de la provincia Baetica. Corpus Vrbium Baeticarum: conventus Cordubensis et Gaditanus, Huelva, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva: Onoba Monografías).

ESPAÑA CHAMORRO, S. (2024 e.p.): “The Julio-Claudian transformation of landscapes on Roman Crete: some remarks on the epigraphy”, en N. Coutsinas (ed.), The Networks of Roman Crete, Turnhout, Brepols.

ESPAÑA CHAMORRO, S. (2024 e.p.): “Between Mauretania and Numidia. Provincial boundaries, land connections and imperial administration in North Africa (1st–4th centuries AD)”, en E. Mataix, A. López, A. Álvarez Melero y D. Romero (eds.) Law and Power: Agents of Transformation of the Territorial and Urban Landscapes in the Roman West, Brill (collection IMEM 49), Leiden, 191–217 DOI:

LIMÓN BELEN, M. y ESPAÑA CHAMORRO, S. (2023), “Verses for Eternity: The Carmina Latina Epigraphica in funerary contexts”, en N. Conejo Delgado (ed.), Il valore dei gesti e dei oggetti: monete e altri elementi in contesti funerari, All'Insegna del Giglio, Sesto Fiorentino, 225-229. DOI:

ESPAÑA-CHAMORRO, S. GREGORI, G. (2023): “Novità epigrafiche del municipium Sava (Mauretania Caesariensis) dal Fond Salama (INHA, Parigi)”, M.F. Petraccia (ed.), E pluribus Roma. Caleidoscopio storico per comprendere e parlare della pluralità del mondo romano, De Ferrari Editore, Génova, 57-70.


IV Seminario Hispalense de Filología Latina. ‘Cadaveres exquisitos: los destinatarios de los epitafios en verso’, Universidad de Sevilla (España). 23 y 24 October 2023.

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RCC International Seminar: Ancient and Medieval History. Harvard University, Boston (Estados Unidos). 22 March 2023.

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44th Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS). University of Canterbury. Christchurch (Nueva Zelanda). 31 de enero – 3 February 2023.

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Piccoli dettagli: monete e altri artefatti in contesti funerari classici e medievali (Padua, Italia). 13-14 October 2022.

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XVI Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae. Institut Ausonius (Université Bordeaux Montaigne-CNRS). 29 August -2 September 2022.

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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. Grant Agreement nº 101025799. 171,473.28€

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